Find out more about the Credit Union
Membership - Hannahstown Credit Union Ltd.

What We Do

A credit union is a group of people who save together and lend to each other at a fair and reasonable rate of interest. Credit unions offer members the chance to take control over their own finances by making their own savings work for them. Every Credit Union is owned by the members – the people who save & borrow with it.

The Credit Union exists only to serve its members. When you save with the credit union you contribute to your credit unions loan fund – in effect by saving you are helping other members – members like you.

We are a local, not for profit financial institution. We specialise in providing a safe place for savings and loans in our community. We are controlled and directed by a voluntary Board of Directors. The Board is elected by the Members of the Credit Union at the Annual General Meeting.

Hannahstown Credit Union Limited was founded following a public meeting held in St. Oliver Plunkett Primary School on the Glen Road in 1971. 11 founding members put in £1 each. Today, 50 years later, online access to member accounts has given enhanced service to members who can now access their balances online, make payments and transfers and pay into their credit union account with our brand new website.

Member Owned

A credit union is a group of people who save together and lend to each other at a fair and reasonable rate of interest.

For People, Not Profit

The Credit Union is an organisation run for people, not for profit.

No Fees

There are no account fees, maintenance costs or charges on personal credit union accounts.

Free Services

A wide range of financial services are available with a variety of free services for members.


Online access to your accounts and a local office in the heart of your community.

Part of the Community

Strong links with the local area, participating in a number of local initiatives.

If you live, work, study or attend school in our Common Bond you are eligible to join Hannahstown Credit Union

Membership shall be limited to and consist of the signatories to the application to register the credit union and such other persons having the following common bond: of residence or employment in the area comprising of

The credit union Next of Kin nomination is your opportunity to name the person, persons or group you wish to receive your shares and any insurance attached to them in the event of your death.

Death Benefit Insurance is an additional benefit of being a member with Hannahstown Credit Union. The main purpose of this insurance is to provide a basic life cover and assist the family of a deceased member with the funeral expenses. There is no direct cost to the member for this insurance and the benefit payable is £2,000.

To be eligible, you:

Must have joined the Credit Union before the age of 70;
Be or have been working or in good health at some stage during your membership; and
Have a minimum of £100 in your Shares at time of death

How to join

How To Join

Call into our office, or call us on 028 9062 8813 to discuss joining Hannahstown Credit Union today.

If you would like more information on becoming a member please contact us today.

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